Monday, October 02, 2006

"I think I'll dye my hair again..."

I re-dyed my hair, so now it's got some bluuuee in it. This post really has no other point than to say that. Not a lot is going on with me lately. Yeehhhhh. Actually, there is one pretty big thing I haven't blogged about at all, my two best friends (Zoe and Andres) who had been dating for about three days short of a year broke up recently. Zoe wasn't even sad about it, she was just angry that he broke up with her before she could break up with him, but it really got to me. I know it shouldn't bug me, it's really any of my business who my friends date, but it bugged the shit out of me. Still does. It's really depressing. Like, I used to go to the movies with the two of them all the time and they would sit there and cuddle and stuff, and that isn't gonna happen anymore. And I used to tease them about eachother all the time, but I can't do that anymore. Even before they were dating, the three of us were always a group, we were always hanging out together, but now the two of them are pretty much avoiding eachother. I really don't like change when it comes to things like that. And I can tell Zoe's not taking it as well as she's acting like she is. I went over to her house and she had actually ripped off Andres in a picture of the three of us and burned the part of him. I don't know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

ur hair is amazin
i got dumped sunday nite i m depressed im goin 2 bed now

2:16 PM  
Blogger Camie Vog said...

Nice look, girlie! About this blue dye... What brand is it, and where can I find some of it? Is it necessary to bleach the hair first before using it, or can it be applied over regular hair? How long does it stay looking so good? Is it permanent, or does it eventually wash out? I ask because I would like to do a few streaks of blue in my newly cut and colored hair... Please let me know.

6:08 PM  

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