Thursday, August 31, 2006

Chloe's got short hair!

*Gasp!* Chloe hacked off all her hair! Amazing!
I don't know if I'm actually gonna do it all green. I think I might do it purple instead. Yahhh.


Blogger Camie Vog said...

Chloe? That's the first I've heard of your real name. Great name to match a great face! Your hair looks nice. I vote for purple (except it tends to turn an orangy color as it fades). Hate to say it, but your mom is kinda right about how nice your real hair color is. I was a lot like you and had hair every shade except blonde until about, eh, last year. I let my real hair grow out and now curse the strands of gray that are appearing. The realization that I'll always be chained to a bottle of color is hitting home hard now. Thanks for the pic! You look swell. Hope you are feeling okay.

3:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mabe a pink streak were its blonde?it looks cute tho :o)

3:53 PM  
Blogger StripeySocks said...

Thanks yoouu.
Yeh, I like my natural hair color, but I wanna dye it funky colors now because once I get older I'm going to want to have it normal-looking so I can get jobs and stuff.

2:07 PM  

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