Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Why me?

Agh, if God exists, he/she hates me. Why is it that for some strange reason I can't be happy for two solid weeks? Something always has to come along and RUIN MY HAPPINESS for me. Why?? Agghhh, why does life have to suck for me? And why are guys so... what's the word I'm searching for?... Fickle. Yes, that's it. And why do guys have to mature soooo much slower than girls? It's ridiculous! And why on earth is it that every fricking time I think my life is going peachy keen, something comes along that is totally unexplainable, AND RUINS EVERYTHING FOR ME???!! I'm gonna go stare at a wall now, bye.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i sory

11:28 PM  

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