Friday, August 18, 2006

Owww... Stupid needles.

I had to go to the doctor today where they took about 5 vials of blood from me so they can run blood tests or something to see if I do indeed have rheumatiod arthritis. But the stupid guy who took the blood from me couldn't find the damn vein in my arm so he kept moving the little needle around under my skin. It was weird.


Blogger Camie Vog said...

That man needs to find a career that better suits him...butcher, maybe.

6:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mabe u need more water hay u dint live til thay takeit outta ur foot i hope thay is wrong tho n u jsut has achy bones r sumtin(((ssox)))

1:50 AM  
Blogger StripeySocks said...

Yes... If I ever see that guy again I think I will tell him that he should look into a career as a butcher.

7:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i had a lotta needles in me sometiems u r dehydrated n it makes it really hard r if thay roll r mabe tha guy jst sux at drawin blood nobody should ever stick u moren 2 tiems th3n thay needa get a nother person 2 do it.. u can tell m that 2.. refuse 2 let tha person stick u moren 2 then u no if its them r u
ps u can so draw good

3:03 PM  

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